Integrative Core Energy Coaching Network has developed programs for individuals seeking career and professional coaching as well as groups and corporations who desire assistance with leadership development in a number of specialized areas. Our quick Career/Professional Assessment and Leadership Assessment can you give you a glimpse behind opportunities for growth in this area. You may also find further helpful information within our Energy Leadership Development System. Contact us directly for more information.


What does your ideal work “life” look like?

It is widely believed that job satisfaction is the number one priority that people have in life. If you are not fulfilled in this area, all other areas of life may be adversely affected.

As you reflect on your job satisfaction and career path, consider the following questions:

  • What are your definitions of work and success?
  • Why do you work?
  • How might you work — to make a living or a life?
  • How well do you express yourself in what you do?
  • What is your definition of a “good job”?
  • What is your overall attitude about work and finances?

Working with a coach can help you to:

  • Uncover the belief behind why you work in order to create what the outer experience you want or desire
  • Identify your strengths and gifts in the workplace
  • Effectively communicate with others
  • Recognize and understand how your personal value system contributes to your overall job performance and satisfaction