No need to worry, ICE offers Virtual coaching.
Our clients are busy people and many live out of state, so the virtual coaching option is the ideal delivery system for us to work together regardless of location. Virtual coaching can be done at your convenience from wherever you are located using the phone, Skype or FaceTime. We may also use text messages and email to address questions, provide encouragement and for accountability purposes in between sessions.
It is important to remember that personal growth and development take time. Twelve weeks (3 months) is recommended to allow adequate time to make changes and ultimately see powerful and sustainable results. By the end of a 12-week period, you have established trust and rapport with your coach, understand the coaching process, and you have typically progressed through a series of personal highs and lows that provide a framework to help you create greater fulfillment, identify goals, and determine the appropriate pathway toward the achievement of your dreams. After completion of the 3-month plan, you will have the option to continue working with your ICE coach by signing up for a three, six or nine month package.
This is a great way for you and your coach to get to know each other. Since the coaching process is built upon having a strong partnership, establishing a connection between you and your coach is critical. During this consultation, you will get a “taste” of coaching, you will have the opportunity to discuss your goals and dreams, and discover how coaching can help you tap into your best self to get the results you want. If you and your coach decide that you are a good match, then you can further discuss the details of becoming a client during this session.
If you are in the process of experiencing a career change, if you have a life that you love, but are feeling overwhelmed, if you know that there is something better for you out there in the world and you just can’t pinpoint it, or if you are looking for a way to regain the energy and passion for life that you used to feel, then you can certainly benefit from coaching! More and more people from all walks of life are discovering the advantages to working with a coach, including celebrities and athletes such as Oprah Winfrey, Hugh Jackman, Leonardo DiCaprio, Andre Agassi, Serena Williams and Von Miller. Partnering with an action and results-oriented ICE coach can help you to define and pursue personal and career goals, navigate life demands on your own terms, and to achieve the highest level of fulfillment, happiness and success that you dream of. The question to ask is: Why not hire a coach?
• Athletes, military professionals, firefighters, police officers and other previous active duty participants who are transitioning from current or previous careers and seeking to find further purpose and re-ignite passion in their lives.
• Athletes and other active individuals working towards specific training goals and personal development.
• Businesses and corporations interested in assessing leadership potentials at all levels of their organization (group or individual), and how energy impacts passion, motivation, and ultimately, overall productivity.
• Business professionals seeking to improve their leadership potential in their own lives as well as their effectiveness to communicate with others.
• Individuals seeking personal enrichment and fulfillment in their lives.
• Others finding themselves in “unknown territory” due to transitioning between jobs, careers, and/or relationships.
Learn more about our specific coaching services here.