The empowered family is the building block of a civilization and as such, functions as an effective team, incorporating all individual perspectives, contributions and gifts. Prepare a dynamic vision for your family, contact ICE for a free 20-minute consultation or take our Family/Parenting Assessment.


Family/Parenting Coaching

There is no wrong or right way of being a family unit, and families now differ greatly in terms of their make-up. What is essential is for each family member to hold a shared vision that empowers each member to “be the best they can be” and to operate as an integrated unit.

As you reflect on your family and parenting experiences how do you answer the following questions:

  • How easily do you relate to your children?
  • How would you describe an effective family?
  • Do you feel fulfilled as a parent?
  • How comfortable are you with your parenting skills/abilities?
  • How is the communication within your household?
  • How does the relationship that you have with your spouse or partner positively influence your children?
  • How much harmony is present in your household?

Partnering with an ICE coach will provide you with the tools to:

  • Create a better understanding of the role of change within the family unit
  • Develop effective boundaries/guidelines and consequences
  • Design a new vision for the family
  • Develop effective communication skills especially listening skills
  • Respond to home situations instead of reacting
  • Incorporate a sense of true teamwork within the family
  • Create a positive life-affirming parenting system