In Western society, the idea of enjoyment seems to have taken a “back seat” to the idea of “getting ahead.” Our focus seems always to be on what to do, and rarely on how to be. But fun is a necessary part of a whole life and has a positive powerful impact on your health and well-being.
As you take a personal inventory of how you are, or are not, experiencing fun , ask yourself these simple quesitons:
- What fun things do I schedule in my daily routine?
- What percentage of my day is allocated toward fun activities?
- How guilty or unproductive do I feel when I’m having fun? Why is that?
- How upset do I feel it will make others if I choose to have more personal time in my life? Why do I feel that way?
- How much fun do I deserve to have? Why?
- When was the last time I really let loose?
Partnering with a coach can help you to:
- Recognize the quality within you that causes you to experience fun and enjoyment.
- Choose the experiences in which you can naturally express ourselves in your own personal fun way.
- Help you to unlock the sense of fun that is already within you by assisting you to brainstorm possibilities that you consider to be fun.
- Help you reframe the idea of fun by putting a new light on it so that you can recognize that more fun leads to more productivity in other areas of life.
- Assist you in recreating a life where fun and enjoyment are in balance with everything else.